Health plans
PDR works with health plans’ members in obtaining their SSI/SSDI disability benefits. We differentiate ourselves in primarily focusing on the high-needs/priority categories such as ESRD, high-utilizers, NICU, internally identified members through community outreach initiatives, etc. These are the richest referrals and should be treated as such. Rather than sending them to a national call center, our high-touch approach, which simulates a care-coordination feel, significantly outperforms the current one-size fits all industry and reclassifies client’s disabled members correctly and quickly.
Again, PDR’s primary focus is not to replace your current vendor as their data mining capabilities can fulfill an important need. One of the current plans we serve has successfully utilized this dual vendor approach for the last 20 years in which one vendor data mines member roles and we focus on the high-needs/priority members. With this approach we are currently seeing a 55%+ conversation rate on all referrals in which we make successful contact.
This dual approach optimizes overall conversion rate by having vendors do what they do best while providing the greatest member service for those who need it the most. As most vendors are only paid contingently when your member is approved for SSI/SSDI, this will not add to your budget, but will use those dollars to reclassify your most disabled members eligibility status as quickly as possible